Trust in the universe, trust in timing, trust in God, trust things will unfold as they should. How often have you wanted a job, a relationship, something to work out and were devastated when it didn’t? I am willing to bet when you look back on it later, in your new fulfilling job, in your more secure relationship, you are so grateful for unanswered prayers. That didn’t pan out so THIS could. Trust that if you’re not where you thought you’d be, where everyone else is, what have you, that it’s just not your time yet. Your trajectory and purpose isn’t the same as anyone else’s.
I’m painfully aware that this is easier said than done. I have been in a transitional few years and I am still sorting it all out (aren’t all?), but I do know that I am choosing to TRUST in the trusting process.
Whatever happens, I will be okay. I will thrive. I simply need to let life unfold.
Do you have a word or mantra for the year? I’d love to hear them!
Trust is a great word to keep in mind for the year! Love that! Thanks for sharing, D! Also your hair looks AMAZING here!
xoxo, Jenna