A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to try out a different lunch spot with my Mum. Nancy’s Air Field Cafe in Stow, MA is located right on Minuteman Air Field…and I mean right there. Small planes are fueling up and taking off mere feet from the picture window!
For someone with no personal experience flying, planes have still managed to become a big part of my daily life. Not only do I love to travel (airport hassles aside), but my job’s location has planes taking off and landing just above the skylight at my desk. Even at home I can see and hear the planes coming and going from Logan overhead. As a result, I barely register the sound anymore– and when I do, I find it’s comforting. So to experience another facet of planes had me geeking out!
The menu, inspired by global travels, has plenty of varying and delicious options, but we both went for a burger with caramelized onions and greens on the side and I totally ate every bite. You can tell the ingredients are fresh and it hit the spot in a big way. I would love to come back for their happy pizza hour nights on the terrace where they use their brick oven!
Best of all was who I got to spend the afternoon with– my mum! I get my zest for life from my parents, who always have encouraged us to experience new things and enjoy ourselves. While my dad is no longer with us, my mum is forever one of my fav partners to do anything and everything with and I cherish our dates together in a big way.